Reference Designer Calculators
mm to mils calculator
PCB Designers often need to work on metric as well as mils and inches. The mils and mm are two most often used units in PCB design. We are presenting the formula and calculator for converting Mils to mm and vice versa.
The formula for mils to mm conversion goes as follows.
mm = | mils x 2.54 |
100 |
To make it easy to remember - every 100 mils is equivalent to 2.54 mm. Look at he equation again and memorize it - you will need it often, if you are working on PCB design and footprints.
If mils = 100
mm = | 100 x 2.54 |
100 |
The formula for mm to mils is simply the reverse .
mils = | mm x 100 |
2.54 |
Again to memorize is ( and for intuition), keep in mind that for every 2.54 mm you get 100 mils. Eevery 1 mm is 39.37 mils and if you just want a close value for intuition, you may use rough value for each mm as 40 mils.
You can use the calculator below to covert mills into mm and vice verso. Enter the value in mils and hit the mm button to convert mm to Mil and vice versa.
If you want to chart or a Table for mils to mm conversion you can check it here .