Regular Expression in Javascript - Number of occurences using +

The character + indicates that the we should have one or more occurrences of the character preceding it.

To understand the necessity of the anchor + where we want to write a pattern that will match any string that contains


and so on and so forth. In other words there should be one or more than one 0s between 2 and 3. It should however not match 23.Javascript provides anchor + to do this job. The following pattern will do this job

pattern = new RefExp("20+3")

The 0+ in the pattern "20+3" says that we want to match a string that contains 2 followed by ONE or MORE THAN ONE occurrences of 0 followed by 3.

Let us understand with a complete example

<script type="text/javascript">
Javascript Regular Expression Example 5
Number of occurrences with +
var pattern1=new RegExp("fo+d");
var string1 = new Array(4);
string1[0] = "food";
string1[1] = "fod";
string1[2] = "fud";
string1[3] = "foooood";
var i;
for(i=0; i<=3; i++)
if (pattern1.test(string1[i]))
document.write(string1[i], " -> match found with fo+d ","<br\>");
document.write(string1[i], " -> match not found with fo+d","<br\>");

Try this Example online

You can try this example online at - here .

It gives the following output

food -> match found with fo+d
fod -> match found with fo+d
fud -> match not found with fo+d
foooood -> match found with fo+d

The pattern fo+d essentially means that there can be one or more number of o's following fo.