Regular Expression in Javascript - Matching End of Subject

Let us assume that we want to find if a string contains a certain pattern at its end. We append the pattern with the special character $ to accomplish the task. In the following real world example we will try to find if the string contains “.com” in the end.

<script type="text/javascript">
Javascript Regular Expression Example 4
Anchoring with $
var pattern1=new RegExp("com$");
var string1 = new Array(2);
string1[0] = "";
string1[1] = "";
var i;
for(i=0; i<=1; i++)
if (pattern1.test(string1[i]))
document.write(string1[i], "is a valid .com site","<br\>");
document.write(string1[i], "is not a valid .com site","<br\>");

Try this Example online

You can try this example online at - here .

If we run this code, we should get the following output. is a valid .com site is not a valid .com site

Note that ("com$").test("") returns false not only because it does not contain .com but also because it does not contain .com in the end. The ("com$").test("") will return false because, even though there is a .com in the string, it is not at the end of the string.

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