Verilog Language Continued

Vector Data

In the single bit comparator example we had only two sets of 1 bit input. What if we need to design a comparator that has two sets of 2 bit input ? Verilog provides the concept of Vectors. Vectors are used to represent multi-bit busses.

A vector to represent a multi bit bus is declared as follows

reg [7:0] eightbitbus; // 8-bit reg vector with MSB=7 LSB=0

The reg [7:0] means you start with 0 at the rightmost bit to begin the vector, then move to the left. We could also declare the vector as

reg [0:7] eightbitbus; // 8-bit reg vector with MSB=0 LSB=7

In which case the LSB will be represented by leftmost bit.

Let us rewrite our comparator example, so that it now use two bit bus in place of one bit.

  1. `timescale 1ns / 1ps
  2. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. // Company:
  4. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. module comparator2bit(
  6. input [1:0] x,
  7. input [1:0] y,
  8. output z
  9. );
  11. assign z = (x[0] & y[0] & x[1] & y[1]) |
  12. (~x[0] & ~y[0] & x[1] & y[1]) |
  13. (~x[0] & ~y[0] & ~x[1] & ~y[1])|
  14. (x[0] & y[0] & ~x[1] & ~y[1]);
  15. endmodule

  1. `timescale 1ns / 1ps
  2. module stimulus;
  3. // Inputs
  4. reg[1:0] x;
  5. reg[1:0] y;
  6. // Outputs
  7. wire z;
  8. // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
  9. comparator2bit uut (
  10. .x(x),
  11. .y(y),
  12. .z(z)
  13. );
  15. initial begin
  16. $dumpfile("test.vcd");
  17. $dumpvars(0,stimulus);
  18. // Initialize Inputs
  19. x = 0;
  20. y = 0;
  21. #20 x = 1;
  22. #20 y = 1;
  23. #20 y = 3;
  24. #20 x = 3;
  25. #20 y = 1;
  26. #20 y = 0;
  28. #40 ;
  30. end
  32. initial begin
  33. $monitor("t=%3d x=%2b,y=%2b,z=%d \n",$time,x,y,z, );
  34. end
  36. endmodule

This example produces the following result in console
t=  0 x=00,y=00,z=1 
t= 20 x=01,y=00,z=0 
t= 40 x=01,y=01,z=1 
t= 60 x=01,y=11,z=0 
t= 80 x=11,y=11,z=1 
t=100 x=11,y=01,z=0 
t=120 x=11,y=00,z=0 
Note that the assignment x =3 means 11 in binary.

The verification is only partial and we would let the reader write code that will verify it exhaustively. You may also write a self verifying code by checking the output z against expected value.

Thanks Rodney Schaerer for mentioning error in the stimulus code.