DC Sweep Analysis

We did get started in our previous tutorial. However, simply getting only the DC Bias point has little usefulness, unless we are able to vary an input and calculate the output.

In this tutorial we will try to learn how to vary the DC voltage through a step of values and then check some output corresponding to each value. For this simple tutorial, we wish to vary calculate the values of the current through the resistor R1 at values of V1 from -4V to 4V at step of 0.5V. Here are the steps involved
1. Click on Pspice -> Create new Simulation profile -> Give it a name like DCSweep -> Create.
2. Next Step is important. You need to select DC Sweep Under Analysis. In the sweep variable select the name of the voltage source you wish to change. In the sweep type enter values of Start Value. End Value and Increment ( -4, 4 and 0.5).
3. Click ok and then run the simulation.
4. Somewhere on the screen right click and then select "add trace". Double click I(R1) from the list of Output Variable. If you have done right, it will plot a curve of current through R1 on Y axis as a function of voltage V1.

Here is the complete youtube capturing the sequence.

Here is another example in which we have shown the use of the DC sweep analysis to find current through a diode in a circuit.