Reference Designer Calculators

Vmax to Vrms conversion

Vmax of a sine wave voltage waveform is defined as the Positive Amplitudes on the sine wave.

The Vrms is defined as square root of the mean of the squares of the values for the one time period of the sine wave.

Following is the formula for Vmax to Vrms conversion.

Vrms = 0.707 * Vmax

Where Vpp is the max volatge and Vrms is the root mean square voltage. To Calculate Vrms from Vmax enter the value in Vmax and hit Vrms button.

To Calculate Vmax from Vrms enter the value in Vrms and hit Vmax button.
We have a blog post that talks about the philosphy behind the existence of the Vrms - check it out here.
  (Max Volatage) :
  (RMS volatge)

We strongly suggest that you go through the following video to understand the relationship of Vrms and Vmax.